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RBCIP takes 2nd place in FAP/DF Project

In the scope of the public call 003/2020 of the FAPDF of the BID NOTICE No. 04/2020 of the DESAFIO PROGRAM DF Project “Arficial Intelligence in Fiscal Execution”, RBCIP was in second place!

Our proposal was innovative! We propose a methodology for screening and legal analysis of processes based on Agile Scrum Method associated with a model for projects centered on CRISP-DM data. The project also reviews the use of technological tools such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR), data processing and machine learning.

The objective of the project was the development of the Project "Arficial Intelligence in Tax Enforcement" - computational solutions that apply machine learning methods, including deep structured learning, to aid in the conduct and resolution of tax enforcement processes, with respecve training of public servants of the Federal District's Attorney General (“PGDF”) and transfer of knowledge of the work developed for the efficient, effective and effecve management of Tax Litigation and the Federal District's Judicial Collection System.

According to the president of RBCIP, Marcelo Estrela Fiche, the RBCIP project came in second, competing with two institutions. "Our proposal was second only to the Laboratory of the University of Brasília. Our proposal was one of the most innovative, proposing an innovative methodology (Scrum + CRISP-DM). This shows that RBCIP is becoming a leading ICT and is competing among others most innovative institutions in Brazil".

The public call was well designed, with a lot of information for the bidders to understand the scenario well. Both FAP and PGDF were well available during the process.

"I believe that our proposal was very competitive, during the feedback in the presentation to the technical committee, we had this perception that the proposal was excellent. An extremely competent team was formed by RBCIP, hence the high quality of our proposal. Despite the second position, we believe that our approach is very promising and we hope to continue participating in similar projects in the future. We wish the winning bidder success.", said Ricardo Silva Carlos.

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