Next Friday, the 24th, at 9 am (Brasilia time). The initiative is a partnership between the Secretariat of Basic Education of the Ministry of Education and the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), located in Campo Grande (MS).
The main objective of LabInova is to strengthen and support teachers and students to expand the teaching-learning process based on the Education, Technologies and Innovation tripod.
As part of the Connected Education Innovation Program (PIEC) of the Ministry of Education (MEC), LabInova will offer training courses for state and local articulators in municipalities in 26 states and the Federal District. The courses are aimed at developing skills and competences required for an inclusive and excellent education.
Last September 10th, LabInova was presented to representatives of the National Union of Municipal Education Directors (Undime), the National Council of Education Secretaries and PIEC coordinators. Streamed by LabInova's YouTube Channel, the video has already had more than 400 views and had the participation of 70 actors watching simultaneously, among them all 45 regional and state coordinators, in addition to recording messages from representatives of various states in the country, such as Paraná, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Mato Grosso do Sul, Bahia, Pará, Amazonas, Ceará, Amapá, Alagoas, Rondônia, Pará, Pernambuco, among others.
The assistant secretary of SEB/MEC, Helber Ricardo Vieira, thanked the partnership. “It is with many hands that great projects are made. There is an enormous willingness on the part of the Ministry of Education to strengthen and accelerate those policies that, at the same time, promote digital inclusion, which are increasingly relevant and fundamental to Brazilian education, and that create capacities among teachers and administrators for the effective use of technologies. Technologies that engage, that expand and guarantee the learning of our students”, he said. He greeted everyone at UFMS who are in charge of the project.
The dean of UFMS, Marcelo Turine, thanked the opportunity and the presence of all regional articulators who followed the meeting on YouTube. “It is an emotion to be here to talk about this partnership between SEB / MEC and UFMS, this wonderful idea of providing this training, this training, for our great leaders in the municipalities”, he said. The dean said that the three main axes of UFMS are innovation, governance and sustainability and he believes that the unprecedented project in Brazil will strengthen the innovation ecosystem, using technology as an ally to complement the training of young people.
The director of Articulation and Support for Basic Education Networks, Ana Caroline Santos Calazans Vilasboas, highlighted the “great moment” of the meeting, a “key turning” so that technology becomes a differential for pedagogical practice. “Since we needed something more robust to support regional and local coordinators in training. Today, we have more than 5 thousand articulators spread throughout Brazil, responsible for thinking and drawing up the local innovation plan. Innovation in the integral sense of innovation. It's not just about getting connectivity, it's about making proper use of this proposal for the pedagogical practice,” she said.
Professors Hércules da Costa Sandin and Daiani Riedner, coordinators of LabInova, presented the strategies, goals and courses that will be offered to graduate students from Federal Institutes or Universities, managers, articulators and professors. Until December, several lives will be held to inaugurate the training courses.
LabInova was officially launched on August 17, in Brasília, in a ceremony to sign the agreement at the MEC, which was attended by the MEC Basic Education secretary, Mauro Luiz Rabelo, and the UFMS vice-rector, Camila Ítavo.
Text: Rose Pinheiro via
The President of RBCIP, Prof. Marcelo Fiche informs members that RBCIP's participation in the project is in the research and development of a model for disseminating the culture of information - innovation for the entire educational sector.