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Innovation Council

The Brazilian Network for Certification, Research and Innovation, through its Innovation Council, promotes actions aimed at strengthening national and international innovation environments, promoting innovation ecosystems for public and private entities.

It is incumbent upon the Innovation Council:

I.   Seek to create an international environment that is conducive and consolidated to the Mechanisms for Innovation;
II.   Interact with national and foreign government spheres in the search for policies to support and encourage the Mechanisms for Innovation and the companies and projects they assist;
III.   Contribute to the dissemination of the Innovation Ecosystem culture as an instrument for the social, economic, scientific and technological development of a Region and the Country;
IV.   Seek, before the development institutions, public and private, national and foreign, the availability of resources and projects for Innovation;
V.   Propose and support actions that are of regional, national, or international interest to RBCIP, such as projects related to the regulatory framework, public policies and measures of a specific or permanent nature of interest to Innovation environments;
SAW.   Participate in forums, councils, bodies, entities and work groups whose objective is to promote innovation;
VII.   Promote cooperation activities of interest to innovative enterprises, especially for the promotion of digital education and regional accreditation;
VIII.   Issue resolutions, acts, official letters, correspondence and other documents of interest to the Innovation Council;
IX.   Organize and execute national and international technical missions;
X.   Support and coordinate, within the scope of RBCIP, the Regional or State Networks of Mechanisms for Innovation;
XI.   Promote the construction of international innovation offices;
XII.   Carry out other measures related to the corporate purposes of the RBCIP.

Composition of the Innovation Council

The Innovation Council is composed of full members, appointed by the Presidency of RBCIP, preferably composed of members linked to the government and/or faculty of the Network of Federal Institutions of Higher Education and/or research groups of Institutions of Higher Education and/or members of the private sector with experience in the areas of education, innovation, management and internationalization.

Executive Board

honor president


  • Adi Balbinot Junior (Counselor) – General Coordinator of International Higher Education Affairs – Secretariat of Higher Education -Ministry of Education;

  • Aldira Samantha Garrido Teixeira (Counselor) - Coordinator of the Residency Program in Obstetric Nursing at Universidade Federal Fluminenses - UFF;

  • Filipe Guedes de Oliveira (Counselor) – Educational Management Technician at the Federal District Secretary of Education - SEDF;

  • Gesil Sampaio Amarante Segundo (Advisor) - President of the National Forum of Innovation and Technology Transfer Managers (FORTEC);

  • Helena Cristina Carneiro Cavalcanti de Albuquerque (Counselor) – General Coordinator for Evaluation of Undergraduate Courses and Institutions of Higher Education at INEP;

  • Juliano Bruno de Almeida Cardoso (Counselor) – Head of the Coordination of Evaluation and Development of Higher Military Education of the Army – Department of Education and Culture of the Army;

  • Marcelo Augusto Santos Turine (Counselor) - Dean of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul-UFMS;

  • Margareth de Fátima Formiga Melo Diniz (Counselor) - Secretary of Science and Technology of the City Hall of João Pessoa/PB - SECITEC;

  • Maria de Fátima Ramos Brandão (Counselor) – Founding Professor of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Brasília-UnB;

  • Michel Zanoni Camargo (Advisor) – Director of Government Relations of the YDUQS educational group;

  • Norma Edith López Rolandi (Counselor) - General Director of the Third Cycle of Basic School Education and Media Education - Ministry of Education and Science – Paraguay;

  • Regina Aparecida Marques de Souza (Counselor) - Coordinator of the Regional Forum for Early Childhood Education on the East Coast;

  • Renata Guerra de Sá Cota (Counselor) - Adjunct Dean of Research and Postgraduate Studies at the Federal University of Ouro Preto – UFOP;

  • Roberto de Souza Salles (Counselor) - Professor, Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, Biomedical Institute, Fluminense Federal University – UFF;

  • Rodrigo de Oliveira Santos Rossi (Counselor) - Technical Cooperation Development Coordinator of the Organization of Ibero-American States-OEI;

  • Simone Perecmanis (Counselor) - Director of the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine at the University of Brasília-UnB;

  • Therezinha de Jesus Pinto Fraxe (Counselor) - Vice-Dean of the Federal University of Amazonas-UFAM;

  • Vera Lucia Porto Romeu Junqueira (Counselor) – Head of the Innovation and Intellectual Property Management Division of the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica-ITA;

  • Vitor Hugo Vieira Lopes (Advisor) - Federal Financial and Control Auditor of the Federal Comptroller General (CGU); and

  • Wanda Aparecida Machado Hoffman (Counselor) – Municipal Secretary of Education of the Municipality of São Carlos/SP;

Technical team

  • Vilson Alseno Matthes - Strategic Management Secretary for the activities of the Presidency of the Innovation Council; and

  • Lucas Miranda Sobral - Legal Manager of the Innovation Council (OAB/AL 16.872).

Interinstitutional Projects

The main objective of LabInova is to strengthen and support teachers and students to expand the teaching-learning process based on the Education, Technologies and Innovation tripod.

As part of the Connected Education Innovation Program (PIEC) of the Ministry of Education (MEC), LabInova will offer training courses for state and local articulators in municipalities in 26 states and the Federal District. The courses are aimed at developing skills and competences required for an inclusive and excellent education.
The MEC Connected Education Innovation Program was launched in November 2017 by the Federal Government and aims to support the universalization of high-speed internet access and encourage the pedagogical use of digital technologies in Basic Education, so that the school environment is ready to receive the internet connection, providing the necessary technical knowledge for such assignment. In addition, the program also has the scope of providing teachers with the opportunity to learn about new educational content and provide students with contact with new technologies.
With the institution of the Connected Education Innovation Policy, Law 14,180, of July 1, 2021, LabInova has a much greater purpose of promoting a model of dissemination of the culture of innovation for pedagogical purposes.



Brazilian Basic Education Innovation Support Laboratory (LabInova).

Formed by specialists in Education, Technologies and Innovation, the Support Laboratory for Innovation in Basic Education in Brazil (LabInova) is an initiative of the Ministry of Education (MEC) and will be conducted in partnership with the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) ) and the Brazilian Network for Certification, Research and Innovation (RBCIP).


Creativity and Innovation Laboratory for Basic Education (LabCrie)

Its General Objective is to support, monitor and monitor strategies for the effective implementation of the Laboratory of Creativity and Innovation for Basic Education - LABCRIE, which are dynamic spaces dedicated to the continuing education of public school teachers in innovation and educational technologies , where they feel free to try out new equipment, digital platforms and innovative methodologies that allow them to develop the skills needed to generate innovation in their pedagogical practices, in the 26 states and the Federal District, through a model of dissemination of the culture of innovation for pedagogical purposes.

Technological Innovation Centers

Seeking the need to improve institutional mechanisms to encourage innovation and scientific and technological research, aimed at the productive and social environment, with a view to accelerating Regional Development. The Brazilian Network for Certification, Research and Innovation created the Technological Innovation Center for Regional Development and the Technological Innovation Center for Educational Development.

Mercosur Innovation Parliament

The Mercosul Innovation Parliament was created by the Ministry of Education of Paraguay in its Presidency-Pró Tempore of Mercosul. Its structure is composed of national and international representations, whose general objectives are:

I – Promote innovation ecosystems; 
II – Promote studies and actions to strengthen Technological Innovation Centers.
III – Interact with national and international government spheres in the search for innovative policies to support and encourage innovation mechanisms;
IV – Promote cooperation activities with innovative companies, especially for the promotion of digital education and regional accreditation strategies;
V – Encourage the study of language, literature and culture in Mercosur countries;
VI - Promote practices and allow the technical and teaching staff of the Universities that make up this Parliament access to the premises and facilities of the specific departments of the institutions;
VII – Ensure that the results obtained in the joint investigations are widely disseminated; and
VIII – Develop joint work plans for each cooperation activity.


The Brazilian Network for Certification, Research and Innovation has effective members in the Mercosur Innovation Parliament through its President and Vice-President of the Network's Innovation Council. Both have a term of office of 05 (five) years in that structure.

Special Committees

The Brazilian Network for Certification, Research and Innovation is present in Special Committees, implemented by Public and Private Administration entities, among which the following stand out:



Special Committee on Biodefense and Communicable Disease Mapping.


Working Group 1 (WG1):  Training of Human Resources for Health Managers: to develop methods, techniques, processes and educational activities to train new health professionals with skills, abilities and attitudes to work in biodefence, in the management of communicable diseases, epidemics and catastrophes, with a view to providing permanent education for the current cadres of health human resources, in the sense of deepening management, attention and surveillance skills focused on biodefense.

Working Group 2 (WG2): Axis 2 Transversal – Management and Governance: contributing to the addition of value both in products and deliveries and in student training.

Working Group 3 (WG3): Computational Modeling for Disease Dynamics: implement information models that are able to predict, monitor and support managers, having as substrate a computational model and fast actions, capable of communicating quickly and intervening in fact, providing efficient management in disease investigation and outbreak combat.

Working Group 4 (WG4): Epidemiological Surveillance: to promote, through the Diagnosis Center of the Faculties of Nursing, Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, studies, solutions and diagnoses for the control and prevention of national and international diseases.


Special Committee – Connected Education Innovation

The Committee's objective is to facilitate and prepare a proposal for a scientific and technological project for the Local Innovation Plans in the Connected Education Program, to be applied in basic education schools in Brazilian municipalities in order to increase the strengthening of training and education structures technology, management, governance and innovation environments.




Special Committee on Technological Extension - Digital induction for the promotion of rural innovation ecosystems

The Special Committee aims to facilitate the proposal of projects that strengthen the actions of international organizations, public education, agriculture, livestock and national and international supply agencies with an integrated action that subsidizes the environments of rural ecosystems of innovation and digital education for the development of related entities, focusing on the construction of a macro project having as substrate a structured model of management and quick actions, capable of communicating quickly and intervening in reality.

Documentos do Conselho de Inovação

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